What time of year is best to trap problem Magpies?

What time of year is best to trap problem Magpies?

Larsen traps will catch all corvid pest species (ie. crows, magpies, jackdaws, jays, rooks) at most times of the year, but they will be more effective during the nesting period when they are setting up and aggressively defending their breeding territories.

To optimise success, we suggest that trapping effort is utilised in spring and early summer as it is during this period that game and other birds are most vulnerable and the time when Larsen traps are most effective.

Now you know when to use them, you can read some of our other posts covering the legal aspects of trapping the some great tips to get you started. 

If you have any specific questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below.


Other useful documents:

BASC code of practice “Trapping Pest Birds” on the BASC website  www.basc.org.uk or direct link http://basc.org.uk/cop/trapping-pest-birds/