Use it to improve your oil finish, revitalise weathered wood or
make a completely new oil finish of a natural colour. A few spots
simply applied by hand will fill the pores and produce a
fine surface sheen to the wood.
Highly recommended for everyday care of all wood finishes to improve and weatherproof their finish. Helps to fill the open pores and seal the metal to wood. Equally good for leather surfaces, gun cases, etc. Easily applied. Includes full instructions.
A special sealer to quickly fill the pores of very open grained gunstocks before oil finishing or polishing. Speeds up the work and saves many coats of oil. It is fast-drying and
allows the use of supplementary oils
Full instructions in the box.
Create a traditional English hand-rubbed oil finish
Includes the red root oil which enhances the figure in the wood
Contains the original old red root oil recipe to bring out the colour and figure in the wood, oil hardener, polishing compound and abrasive paper for the gun owner to produce a fine professional hand rubbed, protective oil finish. This care product is simple and rewarding to use. No special tools or skill is needed. Full instructions given
Gunstock finish and lacquer remover. Coat the wood with a
bristle brush after 5 minutes repeat application until surface
softens and bubbles. Then scrape the soft finish off
taking care not to damage the wood. Easily applied.
Bought this as others don’t always seem to have the space for the rifle with the scope attached, easy to adjust and with the double shoulder straps, easy to carry.